'' Touching the broken hearted ''

the slogan of the organization.

History of NGO

Nketia Charity Memorial ''Foundation'' was established on Monday the 10th of February 2014 but it was incorporated on the 8th of April, 2019 by a young virtuous lady called Mrs. Rita Kuma Nkrumah, a graduate teacher from the University of Cape Coast and currently teaching at Amasaman M/A Basic '2' in the Ga-West municipality, Accra. It has its head office at Seikwa in the Tain District in the Bono Region in the Republic of Ghana.


The mission statement of the organization is ''to provide educational sponsorship for brilliant but needy and orphans in the community and build them spiritually and academically through God's word and also empower women to be industrious and financially outstanding in the community''.


The organization was started with an active three Board of Directors including the founder, a staff member and Sixteen (16) beneficiaries. Mrs. Joyce Afriyie (Director), Mrs. Marian Mensah Bondzie (Secretary) and Mr. Twene Moses (P. A to the Founder).


In five years later, that is from 2014 to 2019, the number of beneficiaries increased from Sixteen (16) to Seventy-five (75).


In the near future, schools would be built nationwide for all poor and needy children to have access to quality education.


Educational Sponsorship
Quizzes for children.
Education on character traits.
Religious Education / Welfare development
Health Education
Skills Training for women


Transforming: we believe in urgent action innovation and the necessity of transforming lives within the country and worldwide.


Equality: we believe in equality among every human being and the importance of respecting and honoring each individual.


Integrity: we are accountable to the people and partners we humbly serve, transparency sharing our results, stories and lessons.


Diversity: by embracing differences, activity including a variety of voices and joining together we can solve most complex problems.


Excellency: we aim at challenging ourselves to the highest level of learning and better performance for a great impact.



*Caring for Seventy-five (75) School children including feeding.


* Fifteen (15) women have obtained capital to set up their own business through the NGO.


* Donations have been made to various orphanage homes and special schools.


* The NGO can boast of maintaining virginity of thirty (30) girls in schools ageing from 13 to 17 years due to our educative programmed.


* The NGO has been able to transform lives of eight (8) truant boys back to the classroom.



* ls to build the children spiritually and academically through God's word.


*Provide educational sponsorship for brilliant but needy and orphans in the community.


*Provide financial support for poor and needy women and old aged in the community.


* To have basic and second cycle schools with boarding facilities built across the nation.


* To provide educational sponsorship for brilliant but needy children and orphans in the community.


* Equip women to be industrious and financially outstanding in the community.


* Supporting the old aged financially.


* Financial support to special children in the community.


* Bringing back to school the school drop-outs.